Thursday, January 20, 2011

Starting Somewhere

I don’t know what this blog will be about. But I do know what it will not be about.

It won’t be about my 4 darling—but fictitious—children. No heartwarming stories of the things they say like “Did you e-mail Santa about my Buzz underpanties?” No recaps of the adorable things they do like making syrup-egg-cereal creations for breakfast. Any cute kid stories will be of the nephew variety. Check back in 4-5 years for a mom blog.

It won’t be about my adventures in an exotic foreign country you’ve never heard
of. Sure, it was more entertaining to read about my eating roasted goat in the Sahara desert. But in his infinite wisdom, God replaced my toilet-swimming geckos with husband, house, and a new kind of happiness!

It won’t be about my club-bouncing crazy-dancing cosmo-drinking manolo-wearing sex-and-the-city life. My small town boasts an Olive Garden and Dress Barn. Rumor says a Sam’s is on the way.

It won’t be hysterical—wit is Husband's department. Or deeply theological—Christian higher ed and being a youth pastor’s wife doesn’t make me an expert. Or predictable—this might, in fact, be the only post as I have a way of not finishing what I start.

While I’m still not sure what will come of this, I do know that today I did a happy food dance for having a chance to write something! Hopefully it’s just the beginning.

1 comment:

  1. A rather small correction - when speaking of the male gender (and I feel you were since you reference nephews and Buzz) it is underPANTS (as in Captain Underpants) not underPANTIES. Boys wear pants, girls wear panties. I'm sure it's part of the English language protocol that we properly place the correct gender with the word as the French do, la/le.
    Additionally, whenever you do start to complain about your husband's undesirable habits (which you haven't yet because you're still newlyweds but after a few years it happens) I will ask if you'd rather have your toilet swimming geckos or AJ and that should adjust your attitude!! ;)
    Finally, mothers never like to be the subject of blogs unless the message is followed with "alas, my mother was soooo right!"
    Otherwise, I look forward to reading your blog! Maybe I should start a blog for Hudson about the adventures of the Oreo Monsters (that is what we call the dogs, the Black and White Monsters)!!
