Wednesday, February 23, 2011

For WinterJam

I’d say stay home, heat up some leftovers, and watch NCIS. That is, if you asked me what I’d rather do on a Saturday night than go to a concert.  I don’t hate concerts, it’s just they’re kind of LOUD and EXPENSIVE and CROWDED and AWKWARD and LONG and EXHAUSTING and did I mention LOUD.  Yet I found myself strangely excited about this year’s WinterJam. 

While rocking out with over 15,000 likeminded Jesus lovers with 10 of our favorite bands, I realized why I was oddly attracted to this particular concert: It was the Christian Grammy’s.  Wait...maybe there's some slight differences.

Grammy’s: Once a year at the world-renowned Staples Center.
WinterJam: An exhausting 47 shows in 3 months. A non-stop tour of the Midwest’s finest that winds around every corn field and Applebee’s from Chattanooga to Cincinnati.

Grammy’s: Months of publicity preceding the big event. Media speculation on gowns, plus ones, presenters and winners.
WinterJam: Months of asking our lost friends to come to a life-changing event. Countless prayers for them to be open to what they’ll hear.  Hours of youth pastors handing out fliers, messaging their youth, and talking up the big event.

Grammy’s: The pre-show is a sparkling parade of celebrities walking the red carpet of fame.  Of course, some artists chose to incubate in an egg rather than walk.
WinterJam: The pre-show is David Crowder and Jon Micah of Kutless sacrificing their time to motivate and pray with youth pastors backstage.  (P.S. I was 20 feet from Crowder!)

Grammy’s: The show is a non-stop fusion of awards and performances by rock legends, rap’s record breakers, tween heartthrobs, and Muppets.
WinterJam: The show is, well I can’t even call it a show.  It was a worship experience unlike any other.  Some super famous rock stars praised God for 4 hours and let us join.

Grammy’s: Millions of dollars spent on everything from spectacular sets to wondrous wardrobes.  We can’t forget the thousand dollar gift baskets with all the necessities of a celebrity: Epiphone guitar, Brandina handbags, Delta Private Jets gift vouchers, shampoo and conditioner, yogurt bars, and of course a Mobo Cruiser. Just to mention a few.
WinterJam: $10. Ten Dollars. Diez dolares. 10 bands. 10 dollars. You can’t see anything at the BOK Center for $10. Not to mention 200 people who pledged to sponsor children around the world who are in the process of being adopted.

Millions tuned in to see the glitz of the Grammy’s. So far, over 280,000 have experienced the power of WinterJam this year. The Grammy’s exist to give adulation. WinterJam exists to give Truth. The Grammy’s featured a song titled F*** You and more bleeping than I’ve ever heard on primetime.  WinterJam featured songs that made you raise your hands, fall to your knees, and shake your booty!

I’m not intentionally hating on the Grammy’s. I love awards shows and am semi-obsessed with celebrity fashion gossip.  I love the pomp and theater of it all.  The hugeness of a timeless night like that!


After watching the Grammy’s and then going to WinterJam, I change my vote.  Forget leftovers and another episode of Gibbs playing who-done-it. I choose a concert. And most importantly, I choose one that celebrates artists who believe in Christ-inspired music rather than those who exploit their influence for a trophy.